Physician Career Center

Doctor needed for Pain Patients

Allergy & Immunology Job Details Apply for Job
Description was established in 2001 and has helped thousands of genuine chronic pain patients get the quality treatment they deserve by professional doctors. That’s why we have been around for so long. We now need to expand our services offered in MD. Most of our doctors already have their own practices, and treat our patients just as they do their own. The only difference is, our dedicated staff verify patients medical records, manage patient payments and handle the day to day customer service. So our doctors only need concentrate on the health of our patients. It takes a very special doctor to deal with chronic pain patients, to treat them with respect and understanding. is known for our quality service and quality doctors. We need a dedicated doctor in MD to join our team. You may want to start your own practice, or just need to increase your patient base, either way, we can help. How we work: has a unique web based EMR program for patients to register. Patients prepay Phoneconsultation for their office visit consultation. Once the doctor has diagnosed the patient as medically indicated and documented the clinical data into our EMR program, payment is authorized and paid weekly via check or direct deposit. Doctors Compensation Doctors are paid $150 for a quarterly Office Visit Consultation and if appropriate $150 for 3 monthly telephone consultations. If this sounds interesting to you and you have some questions, please contact us. Call us on: 1760-333-4030 or Email us at:
City Cathedral City
State Maryland
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